Colonel Cochrane is the well-respected commandant of Kent Military School.
Child's Play:[]
When Andy arrives at the school, Cochrane is already aware of his reputation built by his Chucky encounters, and openly expresses his dislike towards him. Although gruff and bluntly telling Andy to "grow up and forget these childish fantasies of killer dolls", Cochrane does appear to have sympathy for his situation, seemingly aware of the institutionalization of Andy's mother and that Andy has been bounced around from foster home to foster home for several years, and hopes that Kent will provide Andy with a means to live a productive, steady adult life.
When another student, Ronald Tyler, finds Chucky in a package meant for Andy, he starts playing with him. Cochrane confiscates the doll, stating that toys are unauthorized at Kent. Tyler protests but Cochrane promptly negates any objections, simply stating that Tyler knows better than to backtalk to superior officers.
Later, when Shelton finds Chucky missing from the confiscated items room, he brings the male students outside to punish them at midnight. This comes to the attention of Cochrane, who comes out of his office and demands to know what is going on at this late hour. Shelton claims this is a punitive exercise to weed out a thief. Cochrane reluctantly permits this, but orders Shelton that all exercises are to conclude by 0100 hours, confession or no confession. As soon as he returns to his office however, he comes face to face with Chucky, jumping out from behind the desk, knife in hand. Cochrane realized that Andy's story was true and was shocked to see an actual living doll. He suffers a fatal heart attack from the shock. As the Colonel dies, he falls over backwards onto a display of the school grounds, shattering it.
- Cochrane wore a wedding ring, indicating that he is either married, divorced, or a widower.
- Cochrane wears the crossed rifles branch insignia of the Infantry on his lapels.